27 rue du Pont Neuf 75001 Paris
+33(0)1 40 20 91 26

🇬🇧 – Contribution of Nathalie CAZEAU to the International Webinar of the Barcelona Bar Association (legal aspects of Covid-19 pandemic)

🇬🇧 – Contribution of Nathalie CAZEAU to the International Webinar of the Barcelona Bar Association (legal aspects of Covid-19 pandemic)

In these difficult times, solidarity between European colleagues is the order of the day!

Cazeau & Associés is pleased to contribute to the international webinar organised by the Il·lustre Col·legi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona (ICAB) by presenting some contractual aspects of the management of the pandemic in France.

Many thanks to the ICAB and our partners at Brugueras, Alcántara & García-Bragado Abogados and in particular to Javier Alcantara and Catherine Marti de Anzizu for making this contribution possible!

English video: